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Peter PanTerug naar het overzicht

vrijdag 6 december 2024
Big, brash and brilliant pantomime in Theater aan het Spui! A fun re-telling of the classic fairy tale.
Deze voorstelling is in het Engels.

Be prepared to shout ‘It’s behind you’; practice your ‘Oh no we don’t’; and be ready for a rip-roaring ride of fun because the AATG will provide this and more, with their big, brash and brilliant Pantomime Peter Pan.

This is a fun re-telling of the classic fairy tale but in the form of a traditional British pantomime (a comedy show for children of all ages which includes dialogue, songs, audience participation and dances).

Be ready to boo Captain Hook, cheer for Peter Pan and Tinkerbell, and let’s all hope that there will be a happy ever after.

Packed full of songs, jokes and audience participation, Peter Pan will please everyone from the age of 3-103.

And be warned, just like the Dutch weather, you may get slightly wet!

Enjoy Peter Pan on the 6th, 7th and 8th of December in Theater aan het Spui.

Click on the pink button to book your tickets via the website.

Theater aan het Spui

Spui 187
2511 BN Den Haag
Openingstijden 6th, 7th and 8th of December Prijs Student & 65+: €20,-
Normal: €25,-
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